Friday, November 13, 2009

A total of 532 of widgets were sold at an average price of $23.91. assume 425 widgets were sold last month?

Jj had 300 widgets and $23.00, Jane has 100 widgets and $25.26, Dora has 186 widgets and $24.25

A total of 532 of widgets were sold at an average price of $23.91. assume 425 widgets were sold last month?
do people even consider that what they're posting makes no sense to anyone when they post something like this on here?

you have to wonder about the intelligence of your average level 1...
Reply:Hey Um, I need to know. Are you smoking something funny?

your post really makes no sense at all. It did give me a laugh though, and a much needed laugh at that.

I'm thinking your probably needing help with your math problem? maybe you could re-word it and we all could help you.

Not meaning to make fun of you, I really did need the laugh, and if I can help you, I will.
Reply:And you said all of that to say what? That it has absolutely nothing to do with computers or makes as much sense as watching paint dry.

gold teeth

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